Penelope's Punishment Page 10
After several strokes, the muscles in her throat slackened. Her jaw fell loose and he was able to thrust with less force. Each time the back of her throat pushed against the sensitive tip he groaned. Before he lost control, he pulled completely out.
“Keep your mouth open.”
Penelope nodded, tears falling down her cheeks as she took large gulping breaths. He fisted his cock and pumped vigorously. In time, she would take the full force of his thrusts. He would come straight down her throat, but she was not ready for that just yet. He continued to work his cock until he felt the building pressure of his release. Grabbing the back of her head to hold her steady, he held the tip of his cock against her pretty pink lips and watched as his cream coated her mouth and tongue.
“Don’t swallow.” He leaned in close to whisper against her open mouth. “Keep my cream on your tongue till it melts down your throat. We shall be married within the half hour. When I kiss you to seal the vows, I want to taste my cum on your lips.”
He reached between her legs and ran his fingers over her wet cunny, raising his glistening fingers for her inspection. Penelope was deeply embarrassed to see the indisputable evidence of her own arousal after such rough treatment. Alex was thrilled. His little one loved to be dominated, whether she would admit it or not. He licked her cream off his fingers. “As you will taste your own cum on mine.”
The Wedding
Alex walked into the morning parlor to greet his friends. Smither was already passing out glasses of sherry. Richard stepped forward to shake his hand as he clapped him on the back. “Congratulations, old man.”
“A toast to the groom and his feisty, little one,” said Rand, raising a glass.
“Wait,” said Alex. “Smitty, I will not listen to any arguments. Grab yourself a glass of sherry and toast my nuptials with me.”
“As you wish, my lord.” Smither poured himself a glass and joined the gentlemen by the fire.
“To wedded bliss,” cheered Richard. They all drank. Alex then excused himself from the happy group to converse with the vicar.
Penelope tried to control her racing heart as she was ushered into the parlor by Nanny. As she took in the well-dressed gentlemen and the vicar, it all suddenly seemed too real. She didn’t really think that he had meant to marry her. The idea was too ridiculous - a lord marrying a pickpocket! At best, she thought, he would trot some gin-sodden priest before her for some sham vows. But no, this was real.
She stared at the man who both tormented and aroused her. Penelope hated when he disciplined her, but loved how he would hold and cuddle her afterward. If she were honest, even his discipline was a form of caring. He had proven to her over and over that her safety and protection were important to him. Her response to him confused and scared her. There was something primal about how he could force her to his will. It was almost a relief to give up her own will, to have someone else bear the burden of constant worry and responsibility. By accepting his protection, she would never want for anything. She would never be hungry or cold. But she knew if she were not careful he would swallow up her whole being. He was a force of nature who fed on her spirit and energy. If he ever truly knew how much she was drawn to him, she would be lost.
Alex held up a hand, beckoning her forward. Penelope walked to his side on shaking legs. She looked nervously around the room, self-consciously pulling on her short gown, feeling dreadfully exposed. Alex grabbed her chin and focused her attention on him. When she looked into his eyes the rest of the room faded away.
“I know you are scared and overwhelmed,” he said in a dark, soothing voice. “I know the last few hours have tried your patience and pushed you almost past your endurance. I can see inside your soul, Penelope. I know you crave my dominance as much as you fight it. Deep down you want to be treated like my precious little doll. You want a Papa who will protect and guard over you, who will cherish every moment with you. I am that man, Penelope.”
He leaned in close and whispered for her ears only. “You stand before me, my friends and a man of God, with the taste of my cum on your lips. I already possess a piece of you and the moment you become by wife, I will take the whole.”
Penelope was at a complete loss for words. He had confirmed her worst fears and her deepest desires.
Alex nodded to the vicar to proceed. His words washed over Penelope in a jumbled hush. She was too lost in the intensity of Papa’s eyes to truly concentrate on the vicar’s sermon. When the time came for her to speak, she numbly nodded her head and whispered the required reply. She watched through a haze as the vicar finished the marriage vows and pronounced them husband and wife.
“I am the match and the fire, Kitten.” His tone fierce with barely leashed desire. “You run. I chase. You’re mine now. I can’t…I won’t let you go.” With those words, she became the married possession of the most dangerous man she had ever known.
Alex lifted her right hand. Penelope looked down as something heavy and metal enclosed her wrist. It was a beautifully intricate charm bracelet. She spun the bracelet looking at the individual jewel-encrusted charms. There was a small kitten, a heart, a doll and a bear. With each rotation the bracelet gave out a bell-like tinkling noise. Penelope spun the bracelet around her wrist again, a frown developing on her brow.
Alex could tell the exact moment Penelope realized the charm bracelet had a hidden locked latch. She would never be able to remove it on her own. The expensive bracelet would make her an immediate target for thieves were she to ever leave his care. The small tinkling sound it made each time she moved her wrist guaranteed she would be unable to soundlessly pick another pocket. He had effectively collared his kitten.
Alex managed to secure her in his master suite before Penelope screeched her indignation.
“Why you bloody…”
“Ah…ah…ah…careful with what you are about to say, little one. Unless you want another lesson on how to properly use your mouth,” said Alex with a casual attitude that belied his words.
Penelope’s cheeks flamed. Him forcing his cock down her throat as she struggled both frightened and excited her. The reminder brought more of the fight out of her.
She pushed her arm out, gesturing to the bracelet. “Get this off me.”
She screamed in frustration as she pulled uselessly at the bracelet. “I hate you.”
“No, you don’t,” he said with a knowing smile. Without taking his eyes off her, he slowly took off his coat.
“Stop undressing,” she ordered as she started to back away.
He ignored her as he unbuttoned his waistcoat and threw it on the floor with his coat. Penelope frantically searched for a weapon. She latched on to a small vase on the mantle. Raising it high above her head, she warned him, “Stop this instant or I’ll throw this.”
Alex kicked off his shoes and socks while untucking the tails of his shirt. Penelope was momentarily distracted as he pulled his shirt over his head, exposing his muscled chest and flat stomach. She could see the bulge from his erection pressing against his trousers.
“Don’t come any closer,” she said, more weakly this time.
He undid the top two bottoms of his trousers. “I have waited a lifetime to sink deep inside of you. Throw a hundred vases. It won’t stop me from taking what I want, what is now mine.”
In desperation, Penelope threw the vase and turned to run. Alex easily deflected the blow with his forearm and was immediately upon her. With his arm wrapped securely around her waist, he reached under her short hem to cup her exposed mound. He could feel the wet heat radiating from her sweet cunny.
“Tell me again how much you hate me,” he harshly whispered in her ear as he pushed a single finger deep inside of her.
An embarrassed Penelope struggled to be free. “Let me go!”
He removed his hand from between her legs and wrapped it around her throat from behind. Tilting her head to the side, he feasted on her nec
k, licking and gently biting till she squirmed. He sucked her earlobe into his mouth, scraping it with his teeth as his other hand reached up to clutch a breast. With no corset, her unrestrained breast swelled at his touch, his palm rubbing against her sensitive nipples.
Penelope groaned as her head tilted back to rest against his shoulder. The movement pushed her breast against his hand.
“Oh, god. Stop,” she breathed.
“Never,” he said fiercely. Fisting both hands in the collar of her dress he ripped the delicate material in two. It fell in gentle wisps from her body, leaving her only in knee socks and slippers. Placing his hand once again at her throat and against her mound, Alex lifted her slight frame till they both tumbled backwards onto the bed. Laying on his side and half-pinning her down onto to the bed with his weight, he thrust his fingers in and out of her wet cunny.
“Cum for me. Show me who owns you.”
Penelope tried to resist but the hot friction from his fingers stretching and filling her was too much. Alex could feel her inner muscles tighten. Knowing she was close and knowing she needed a blend of pleasure and pain to find release, he pulled his fingers out of her cunny and pinched her clit, hard.
Penelope threw her head back and screamed as a rush of sensations tore through her in a torrent. She had barely recovered when she felt his large cock pressing against her bottom cheeks. Alex grasped her hips to tilt her bottom up and out for better access. Reaching for his cock, he positioned himself at her cunny entrance. In one forceful thrust, he broke through her maidenhead, taking her from behind in a primal rush.
Penelope gasped at the pain from his violent entry. Her body struggled to accommodate his girth.
She was overpowered. His hips pressing against her bottom, the warmth of his skin on her back, his strong grip on her throat, the spicy scent of him as he took what he wanted…as he took her.
“Mine,” he growled. “Say it.”
“Yours,” came her strangled cry as she came again with his cock buried deep inside of her.
Alex roared his release as he branded her as his own.
Smither walked into the study with Rose and Daisy trailing behind. “You shall start with the bookshelves and then move on to the furnishings.”
Alex looked up from the packet of estate reports he was reviewing. During the search for Penelope and their subsequent marriage a week ago, he had dreadfully neglected his business interests.
“My apologies, my lord. I was not aware you were in this part of the house presently,” Smither tactfully demurred. “I will have the maids clean elsewhere.” Smither shuffled the maids out of the room before turning back.
“Can I get you a refreshment, my lord?” It was asked with a perfectly butler-like straight face, although Alex knew better.
“You can cut the veiled references, Smitty,” smirked Alex. “I am perfectly aware I have been…shall we say…indisposed…with my new little one.”
“Is that what we are calling holing up in your suite with the Little Miss for a full week?”
“That dictator of a Nanny you hired has already read me the riot act. Pulled Penelope right out of my arms, insisting she needed nourishment and rest,” Alex grumbled with something that looked very close to a pout. Changing the subject, he queried, “We never did have our conversation about your unique lifestyle outside of this household.”
Smither grinned but stayed silent.
“I shall leave you to nurse your wounded pride, my lord,” Smither threw out over his shoulder as he made a hasty exit.
Alex looked back down at the papers scattered across his desk and pushed them away, knowing he would not get any more work done today. He thought back over the events of the previous week. His feisty little kitten had earned more than her fair share of punishments, which he was swift to dole out, but she had also earned plenty of rewards. He shifted in his seat. His cock growing at the mere thought of her.
Tonight she would receive her first lesson in submission, and he could focus on little else.
“Are you ready, little one?”
“Yes, Papa.”
He stood over her bare-chested, dressed only in black trousers. She loved how imposing and powerful he looked. It sent a delicious thrill through her body.
Penelope marveled at the dramatic change her life had taken. She had fought him every step of the way, and would have probably run away again if given a chance. She realized it wasn’t him or what he was offering that she fought against, but her lack of choice. It pricked her pride to be dominated and brought to heel. But he had shown her that submitting was not weakness; it was freedom.
For the first time in her life she was truly cherished and protected. While she was still getting used to being treated like a little girl, secretly she loved it. She loved being coddled and petted. Loved the pretty dresses and the carefree life. Papa said her only responsibility was to please him. She still fought, but now it was for different reasons, she thought with a secret smile. She especially loved her punishment when she talked back or used the street slang Papa claimed hate, although she suspected he loved being given a reason to punish her mouth.
Penelope was brought back to the present when she felt his strong grip around her throat as Alex pulled her in close for a quick, bruising kiss, claiming her mouth like he claimed her body. He pushed her back onto her bed. They were in her nursery, the only light coming from the fireplace. He placed her sideways with her bottom off the edge on one side and her head off the other. Stretching her leg up wide, he secured her ankle with a thick leather cuff to the post, doing the same to the other leg. He walked slowly around the bed, coming to rest over her head.
Alex loved when she looked at him with those big, gorgeous green eyes filled with desire and just a little fear. He stroked her hair, leaning over to kiss her forehead. He ran his hand over her shoulder and down her arm, relishing in her cool, smooth skin. His hand engulfed her small, delicate wrist. Stretching it across the bed covers, he secured it to the bed post. He repeated the caress followed by restraint with her other arm.
“Tell me, little one. What is the difference between a punishment and a submission lesson?”
“I earn a punishment when I’m naughty and a submission lesson when I’m a good girl.”
“That’s my good little kitten. The submission lesson will still be painful.”
“Papa, I’m scared. I don’t want it to hurt too much.”
Alex smiled warmly at her. He planned to take her bottom tonight. It would be a severe lesson, but she was ready.
“Know that Papa will kiss it and make it all better.”
Alex picked up a leather strap. It was thinner and lighter than the one he used to punish her. “Let’s warm up this adorable bottom of yours first.” He moved to stand to the side of her outstretched legs. Alex ran a hand down the underside of her thigh to cup her bottom. “Papa loves seeing this bottom all pink and warm.”
He raised his hand and brought the strap down across her cheeks. Penelope cried out. He continued to strap her bottom till it glowed cherry bright. The blows were not as heavy as when he punished her. Instead the sting quickly faded, leaving behind a tingling warmth.
He rubbed each cheek, giving them both a squeeze. “All nice and ready for Papa.” He dropped the strap and kneeled between her legs. Taking a sore cheek in each hand he lifted her hips to meet his mouth. He licked the smooth seam of her cunny lips before pushing his tongue inside. He swirled his tongue around her clit before rhythmically flicking it with the tip. He loved how her leather strap heated skin felt against his jaw and neck.
Penelope began to breathe heavily as she pushed her hips against his waiting mouth.
“Please, Papa,” she begged for release.
He gently scraped his teeth over her engorged clit. “Ask me to finger your bottom.”
“Oh, no Papa. I don’t like that. It aches too much.”
know you need to be pushed to the edge of pain to cum, little one. Now obey me.”
“Please….please, finger…my bottom.”
He thrust two fingers into her already loosened bottom hole. Her poor rosebud had been forced to accept increasingly larger punishment plugs all week to prepare for this moment. As much as he wanted to feel her back passage’s tight clasp on his cock, he was a large man. He had no desire to damage her. Roughly working his fingers in and out of her small puckered hole, he sucked her clit deep into his mouth, stretching it painfully. The fierce stab of pain sent Penelope crashing into her release.
While Penelope recovered from the intense experience, Alex retrieved his riding crop. He would need his own release before taking her bottom. In his current aroused state, he didn’t trust himself not to push too hard too quickly. Fortunately, there was another way his little one already liked to be taken forcefully.
Penelope opened her eyes when she felt his hands on either side of her head, tilting it back further till it hung over the edge of the bed. He pulled his shaft from his trousers and traced her lips with the tip. Penelope licked the edge, loving the salty taste of him.
“Usually Papa takes this saucy mouth when you are on your knees. Tonight we are going to try something new. I’ll be able to push my cock much further down your tiny throat from this angle.”
Penelope whimpered. She could not imagine taking him any deeper. As it was she still choked whenever his cock hit the back of her throat. “I don’t think I can, Papa.”
Alex stroked her wet and quivering pussy with the crop. “That is what this is for, Kitten. Encouragement. Now open nice and wide for Papa’s cock.”
He slid the head of his cock past her lips. She could feel it push against the roof of her mouth. Her tongue swished the underside, taking in his taste. Penelope braced herself, knowing that shortly it would thrust deeper. She took a deep breath through her nose like he had taught her.
That is when panic set in. Her head was tilted far back, bracketed by his thighs. Her nose was pressed against the soft warm skin of his shaft. She took in his spicy musk scent but not as much air. She tried to call out but the sound was muffled. With her arms and legs restrained, there was little she could do but trust in her Papa.