Disciplining the Maid Read online
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Lily shrieked and kicked her legs as a slow burn began deep in her bowels. She reflexively squeezed her bottom against the hurt but it only seemed to make the hot, stinging torment worse.
"I have placed a piece of ginger up your naughty, little bottom," Papa's words floated over her haze of pain. "The more you clench, the worse it will get." Papa moved to stand in front of her. He grabbed her hair to force her head up, his hardened eyes meeting her pain-filled ones.
"Every time you feel the harsh sting of the ginger burning the tender inside of your bottom hole, I want you to think of the agonizing torture you put me through when you ran away. The hours I spent not knowing if you were hurt or in danger."
Lily watched in awe as Papa's eyes teared up. He tore the ribbon holding the pacifier gag in place and ripped it out of her mouth. Once her mouth was free, his lips came crashing down onto hers. Lily transcended her agony. She would take all of it and absorb every moment of pain she caused him if he would only continue to look at her with the love she saw reflected in his eyes.
"I'm so sorry, Papa," Lily whispered, her voice hoarse from her cries.
"I know, baby," he said with another quick kiss to her lips. "But your punishment is not over yet."
She slowly nodded in understanding as he replaced the pacifier gag. The burning sensation from the ginger had abated to a warm glow as the muscles in her poor tortured back passage had weakened and stopped clenching, but that was about to change.
Papa picked up his riding crop. He was only going to give her a few swats, having no desire to scar or draw blood. He hoped this was the harshest punishment he would ever have to give her as he raised his arm and brought the crop down on her defenseless bottom with a crack. Lily howled in pain, clenching her bottom and renewing the hot, burn of the ginger. Each swipe of the crop was agony, but she would endure it, for him.
When her punishment was finished, Papa carefully released Lily from her restraints. He brushed her heated skin with a cool, soft linen, rubbing a healing salve onto her poor bottom. He cleaned out all remnants of the ginger and pushing a finger coated with the salve into her abused hole. He wrapped her in a downy blanket and brought her over to the rocking chair. Sitting her on his lap, he ignored her hiss of discomfort the moment when her bum touched his thighs and gently rocked as she cried out her pain and humiliation. When her sobs tapered to tiny hiccoughs, he brushed the tears from her cheeks and smoothed her hair back from her face.
Lord Stockton placed a soft kiss on Lily’s lips. "I love you, little one," he said.
A fortnight later...
Rand sat behind his desk reviewing the papers his man-of-affairs presented.
"I just require your signature in the places I have marked, Your Lordship."
"Very well, Johnson," answered Rand as he began to sign.
Johnson cleared his throat. "May I be the first to offer congratulations, my Lord."
"Thank you, Johnson," replied Rand without looking up from his task.
"I must say, I knew you and your family had connections," continued Johnson, "but to get the Archbishop of Canterbury to sign off on a marriage certificate so quickly and without knowing the lady's family name!" The young man was obviously in awe.
"Will that be all, Johnson?" Rand asked, eager to finish with the paperwork.
"Yes, your Lordship," Johnson responded as he hurriedly collected all the documents scattered across the desk surface.
"You can show yourself out." Rand rose and crossed to his study window. Lily was outside in the garden picking flowers under the careful eye of her nanny. She was finally his. He left the study to go join his child bride.
Lily's face lit with happiness and love the moment she saw him walking in her direction. Running to him, she flung her arms about his neck. Rand laughed and twirled her around.
"How is my little one, my love?" he asked, gazing down into her sweet, innocent face.
"I'm wonderful, Papa!" she beamed. "Look at all these beautiful flowers I've picked for my nursery."
"They are very pretty," he said as he caressed her cheek. "I have a surprise for you."
Lily bounced up and down in his arms. She loved his surprises. Rand leaned in close and whispered the news of their marriage into her ear. He had not told her of his plans.
He knew she loved him and loved being his special little one, but worried she would object to marrying him for his sake. She would have been apprehensive about what society or his family would say, foolish girl, as if any of that mattered to him compared to their love. So he decided to make the decision for her, signing off on all the necessary documents without her knowledge.
"Oh, Papa! Really?" Her eyes shining up to him with love and adoration. "But what about..."
He placed a finger against her cute, pink lips. "No, I do not want to hear any objections. I love you and have made you my bride."
"Oh, Papa," Lily nuzzled against his chest, breathing in his scent. "I love you."
"I love you too, little one. Let's go inside so I can show you how much."
With a wink to the nanny, Rand swept his new bride into his arms and carried her to his bed.
Also from Zoe Blake:
The Submission of Little Emmie
*** Almost 2 months at the Amazon #1 spot for both Victorian & Historical Erotica! ***
"I want you to listen very carefully. According to the law, I own you. I am responsible for every facet of your life. I clothe, feed and shelter you. You do nothing without my knowledge or permission. Some men treat a marriage as a partnership; I am not one of those men. This is not a partnership. For generations the men in my family have chosen to honor this responsibility by treating their women as little girls, controlling every aspect of their life. This is now your new life. You will be treated like my very special little girl. I will control when and how you will be bathed, what you will wear, when you sleep, what you eat. I will control everything. Do you understand me?"
Such is Emily's introduction to marriage with the mysterious man who shows up to claim her from an unhappy home not long after her eighteenth birthday. Lord Richard Burkewood is not looking for a traditional wife, but a little girl that he can pamper and punish and train. Emily becomes Emmie under his care, and begins her path to complete submission at the hands of her "Papa" and nanny, Mrs. Pew. This sexually- charged Victorian age play by new author Zoe Blake is so richly detailed that readers can almost imagine themselves experiencing the erotic sexual pleasures and torments Emily faces as she relinquishes total control to the powerful Lord Burkewood.
This is a must-read debut for anyone who loves the age play genre. If you've never read an age play book, this will be the one to get you hooked.
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