Penelope's Punishment Page 3
“Please! Please, stop!” she begged. “I’m sorry. I’m sorry.”
Alex paid her no heed, knowing little ones were often sorry in the midst of a punishment. He watched as her creamy flesh turned a bright, cherry pink from his attentions. While it was obvious she would benefit from several hot meals, she still had the most adorable bottom, made all the more so from the blush he was putting on it.
Pip was in agony. She had never felt a man’s touch in her life and in the span of one evening this man had touched her intimately twice. When she made the mistake of trying to reach back to cover her poor flesh, he seized her wrist and pressed her arm to her lower back, moving the punishment to the lower curve of each cheek and the top of her thighs. Now her bottom felt hot and prickly, until finally it was over. The room swayed as he flipped her upright, forcing her to stand between his knees facing away from him.
“What am I looking at Penelope?”
She hiccupped as she tried to get her sobs under control. Swiping at the tears streaming down her flushed cheeks, she answered honestly. “I don’t know.”
“I’m looking at the well-punished bottom of a very naughty girl.” He placed his hand over a burning cheek for emphasis. “Now turn around.”
Pip hesitated. Her britches were still around her ankles if she turned around he would see her…all of her.
“Does someone need another spanking?”
Pip spun around so quickly she made herself dizzy and had to grab his shoulder for support. Alex looked at the juncture of her thighs. He could not resist stroking the soft, downy curls that covered her sex with the back of his finger. Pip held her breath. She was too tired and overwrought from her first punishment and the events of the evening to make sense of the confusing emotions his gentle intimate touch, after such harsh treatment, invoked.
Alex had to remind himself that what she needed was a bath and meal; there would be plenty of time later for seduction.
“Let’s get you out of these dirty garments and into a warm bath,” his tone soothing.
As if in a trance, Pip let him pull off her coat and remove her worn boots. He then pulled away the bunched britches at her ankles. Her only protection remaining was the thin shirt and her bindings.
“Arms up,” he commanded. She was so tiny he could pull the shirt over her head without rising from his seated position. He grimaced when he saw the ragged strips of linen binding her breasts. He pulled at the tucked in end and slowly, carefully, began to unwind the binding. He had to reach behind her to complete the task, and with each movement he tenderly embraced her. As the bindings loosened, Alex cursed under his breath, feeling an irrational rage as angry red welts appeared from the overly tight bindings. It was a sin to keep such perfect breasts so cruelly under wraps. They were slightly more than a handful, with a gentle slope ending with pretty pink nipples.
Pip softly whimpered. She kept her eyes averted so without the mirror to her emotions he could not know if it was from his touch or the pain of the bindings. As the final scrap of linen fell away, he noticed a large purple bruise under her left breast. He traced the outline with his fingertip. Pip hissed through her teeth, trying to mask the pain.
“Who did this to you?” His voice sounded harsh even to his ears. It was one thing to punish a naughty bottom. It was entirely different to hit or beat till a woman’s delicate flesh bruised.
“A washer woman took exception to me sleeping on her stoop,” came Pip’s whispered response. His anger confused her. It was almost as if he cared. No one had cared about Pip since her Mother’s passing. The feeling was foreign and hard to comprehend. “She kicked me awake.”
All doubts over his intentions towards her vanished. He vowed in that moment she would never know another day of hunger or cold. In his arms, she would be safe. He knew it would require a great deal of discipline and training to control her wild ways, but she would be worth it. They would be worth it.
He stood and Pip took a step back in fear. His height intimidated her, and she was still bewildered by his rapidly changing mood. He placed an arm behind her knees and picked her up. Cradling her in his arms, he strode across the room to the bathing chamber.
Pip had never seen anything like it. It was an entire room dedicated to bathing. She had heard that some of the finer homes had pipes that brought hot and cold water right into the home, but didn’t believe it. There was a massive marble tub filled to the brim with steaming water. A long table against the far wall was topped with fluffy linens, soaps and fragrant oils. It even had a small fireplace to heat the room. Alex knelt in front of the tub and carefully lowered her into the water.
There was a quick sting as the warm water hit her still sore bottom but it was fast forgotten as she sunk shoulder deep into the soothing heat. The best she had ever experienced was a lukewarm hip bath, and that was long ago.
Pip closed her eyes and savored the feeling of warmth. She inhaled the sweet, floral scent of the water. Her eyes were still closed when she felt the soft brush of a cloth over her breast.
“What are you doing?” she gasped, trying to shield her breasts from his touch.
“Hush. I’m bathing you. Now lie back and do not fuss. I will not hesitate to snatch you out of that bath and give you another spanking on your wet bottom,” he warned.
Cautiously she leaned back, but kept her eyes on him, taking in his rolled up sleeves exposing heavily muscled arms with a slight dusting of dark hair. His hands were large. They looked strong and masculine. Pip shivered despite the heat of the water.
Alex tenderly stroked the soapy cloth over each breast, careful to avoid the red lashes left by the bindings. The harsh marks cooled his ardor and brought out the protector in him. “Do the welts bother you?”
“You get used to it,” she whispered, unwilling to admit to him how much her boyish attire hurt her both physically and emotionally.
He continued to bathe her, lightly brushing down each arm and making broad calming circles on her back. So as not to alarm her, he then started at her feet. He slowly moved the cloth over her ankles and calves, occasionally letting his fingertips touch her skin. Without conscience thought, Pip’s eyes closed as she leaned back. Lulled into a calm, drowsy state, she barely murmured when the cloth brushed the juncture of her thighs. Alex lightly caressed her through the cloth till her legs parted further on their own accord.
Dropping the cloth, he pushed his thumb through her soft folds till it grazed her clit. Her full pink lips opened on a gasp, but her eyes remained closed. Watching as a deeper flush appeared on her cheeks and the dark fan of her eyelashes flickered with each light movement, he swirled his thumb around her clit, applying the slightest pressure on each downward stroke. When he saw her pink nipples peak above the water with her faster breathing, he increased the rhythm, knowing she was close. When her hand reached out to grasp his forearm, he knew she was there. He plunged two fingers deep into her cunny, relishing not only in her tight, clenching passage but in the irrefutable evidence of her maidenhood. He was never letting her go, he thought with a smile.
Light-headed and spent, Pip raised confused eyes to Alex. Using the same thumb that had just brought her such great pleasure, he gently caressed her full bottom lip.
“That is a taste of the pleasure that can be found under my care, Kitten.”
Still caught in his sensual haze, she asked “Why do you insist on calling me ‘Kitten’ and ‘little one’? My name is Pip.”
“I call you Kitten,” he answered as he prepared to wash her hair, “because you have the large beautiful eyes of a kitten, full of curiosity and mischief.” He lathered her chin-length, curly locks with lavender soap, massaging her scalp. “I shall never call you Pip,” he added with perhaps more force than was necessary. “Pip is a boy’s name. The name of a street thief. You are now my Penelope. My cute, little Kitten.” He rinsed her hair and then bade her to stand. Wrapping her in a large blanket that had been warmed by the fire, Alex carried her back into his chamber.
br /> There was a large plush chair by a small table in front of the fire. Alex sat in the chair and settled her on his lap. She was swaddled in the blanket with her arms at her sides. “The fire will dry your hair so you do not catch a chill,” he said.
Penelope felt an unwanted rush of emotion. Against all rational reason, she felt safe in his arms.
There was a soft knock on the door, and Smither entered with a heavily laden tray, which he placed on the table by Alex.
“Well done, Smitty,” beamed Alex. “You didn’t have to bring it up yourself. One of the maids would have been fine.”
Smither cleared his throat and sent his lordship a meaningful look. “As I mentioned, they are presently tied up. It was no trouble at all, my lord. If that will be all?”
“Yes, Smitty. Go and enjoy what is left of your evening.”
After the butler departed, Alex uncovered the various dishes. Penelope could not prevent her stomach from grumbling as she took in all the glorious sights and smells.
“Just some simple fare,” Alex explained. “We do not want to harm your tummy with too much rich food too soon.” Penelope could not believe he was referring to this feast as simple fare. There was some kind of savory stew, with crusty bread, a crock of actual butter and peas in a mint cream sauce. Penelope’s mouth watered in anticipation. She began to wriggle in her blanket trying to free her arms.
“Settle down, little one. I will be feeding you.”
Penelope was not sure how she felt about him feeding her like a child, but she worried that if she argued he may take the food away. Plus, if she were honest with herself, she felt warm and cozy nestled in the blanket on his lap.
He raised a spoon to her mouth. “Open your mouth, Kitten.”
She reluctantly obeyed, the lure of a hot meal too strong to resist. Penelope groaned at the salty, rich flavor of the beef stew. This was heaven.
The Maids
After seeing to his lordship, Charles Smither returned to his suite of rooms. They were far more opulent then any self-respecting butler would allow, but given his long-standing friendship with his lordship not unexpected. He enjoyed a parlor with a small fireplace, a bedchamber with a generous size bed and even his own private bathing chamber. By far, the bathing chamber was the most extravagant luxury, but when his lordship added the hot and cold water pipes to the house he’d insisted.
Charles shed his coat and waistcoat while kicking off his shoes. He poured himself a small sherry, a gift from his lordship last Boxing Day. He was watching the flames from the fire while enjoying his drink when he heard a muffled sound from his bedchamber.
Strolling to the doorway, he took in the sight of his two housemaids, Rose and Daisy, naked and bound together on his bed.
“Don’t worry my beauties,” he chuckled as he put down his glass and began to unbutton his cuffs. “Sir did not forget about you.”
Rose’s arms were raised and bound to the headboard. The bindings stretched from her wrists to behind her back to circle in front around each full breast, causing her erect nipples to appear engorged and strained. The bindings continued down her flat stomach to part on either side of her cunny, pulling her inner thighs apart before securing somewhere underneath the bed frame. A long piece of red silk nestled between her teeth, gagging her.
Daisy knelt between Rose’s thighs, her mouth forced against Rose’s cunny. Her arms were tightly bound behind her back.
“Well, my dear Rose. Is our Daisy doing a good job?”
Rose’s eyes rolled back as she attempted to clench her thighs around Daisy’s head. Charles pinched an already painfully engorged nipple, sending Rose over the edge. She screamed her release.
Daisy raised her head. Her lips glistened with Rose’s cream as she smiled. “Hello, Sir.”
“Hello, my sweet Daisy.” Charles smiled in return. “Let’s see if you have been having almost as much fun as Rose.” He reached between her legs to stroke her cunny. “Nice and wet, just like Sir demands.” Charles moved to partially untie Rose. He positioned her feet on the ground while she was bent at the waist over the bed. Rose groaned through her gag as the position forced weight onto her tied breasts and the bedcover brushed her sensitive nipples.
“Open your legs wider, Rose,” said Charles as he gave her ass a quick smack. He then positioned Daisy, who was still on her knees on top of the bed, to lay partially across Rose’s lower back to his left. Daisy’s mouth hovered just over the top of Rose’s dimpled butt cheek. Charles cupped Daisy’s chin and raised her head to look at him.
“I want you to be a good girl and keep this pretty mouth open nice and wide. I’m going to fuck Rose’s waiting cunny but I’m also going to thrust into your mouth.”
“But, Sir…”
“No excuses, Daisy. You were going to have to learn to take my cock into your mouth eventually. This way you can do it with the familiar taste of Rose’s cream on your tongue.”
“Yes, Sir.”
“Good girl.”
Charles gave Rose’s upturned bottom a few spanks to warm her up. He loved to see her stretch up onto her toes, silently begging for more. Daisy could feel the vibrations of each blow through her cheek as it pressed to Rose’s lower back. When Rose’s bottom had a glow that matched her name, Charles was ready. Grasping a globe in each hand, he forced her cheeks open. He could see the little pink star burst around her rosebud and the faint glisten on her smoothly shaved pussy. He thrust his hips forward, placing the head of his cock at her ready entrance. While Charles was a respectable eight inches long, it was his girth that intimated most woman. At close to three inches around, it took some effort to push inside their tight bodies. Rose had been servicing him as part of her duties for close to a year now, and she still had to strain to accommodate him.
Keeping a firm grasp on her buttocks, he forced the crown of his cock into her tight pussy. He could hear a muffled groan from Rose as her body stretched to take him in. Feeling ripples of sensation as the muscles of her cunny wall clenched and unclenched, Charles slowly pushed forward.
Rose fisted the bed covers and screamed through her gag. His cock widened as it neared the base so the further he pushed in, the wider he spread her pussy entrance. She breathed heavily through her nose as she adjusted to the pain and the pleasure of feeling so full. Charles kept up the pressure till he was fully seated deep inside her. Releasing Rose’s right buttock, Charles pulled the bow behind her head, unfastening her gag.
“Oh, god, Sir. I feel so stretched!” she exclaimed.
Charles placed the pad of his thumb over her back entrance and gently pushed.
“Oh, please, please don’t, Sir,” begged Rose. “I can’t take both. I’m too full.”
Charles gave her a stinging slap to her buttock before placing his thumb once again to her rosebud. “You will take what I tell you to take, is that clear?”
“Yes, Sir.”
Charles put pressure on his thumb till it popped through her tight anal ring. Forcing it in to the base, he curled his thumb and pulled upward.
“Stop! It hurts!”
“Work with the pain, Rose.”
He continued to force his thumb upward, obscenely stretching her small back hole. It was in that moment he started to move. He pulled back his hips until only the tip rested at her entrance before quickly slamming back into the hot, welcoming passage.
After several long strokes, he said to Daisy, “Your turn.” He pulled out of Rose, taking a moment to admire how her pussy entrance stayed stretched open before turning his attention to the other maid.
Daisy whimpered as he used his left hand to grasp her by the back of the head. “Don’t close your lips around me or try to suck. I’m going to use your mouth like a hole. Just keep it open nice and wide,” he ordered.
Daisy tried to nod yes but his grip on the back of her head prevented the movement. He gave her only a moment to adjust to the feel of his cock head brushing her lips before ruthlessly shoving st
raight to the back of her throat. Daisy gagged as she tried to accept the intrusion. It felt like the corners of her lips would split as she stretched her mouth as wide as she could to take him in. She could feel him pushing the back of her head, forcing her further onto his length. She started to choke as he pulled out.
“Good girl.”
Charles once again plunged into Rose’s waiting cunny, and she squealed at the sudden onslaught. After several thrusts he pulled out and plunged deep into Daisy’s throat. Tears coursed down her cheeks as she choked, trying to breathe through her nose like she had been told. Charles released the back of her head to grip Rose’s hips. He rammed into her tight passage nearing completion. When he felt the rush coming, he called out to Daisy.
“Keep your mouth open, baby. I have a treat for you.”
He pulled out of Rose and gripped his cock, pumping his hand along the thick length he positioned it in front of Daisy’s mouth. He watched as his cum coated her cute, pink tongue.
“Now, Rose. Kiss Daisy for being such a good girl.”
Rose moved from her prone position on the bed to lean over Daisy. She kissed Daisy’s open mouth, sweeping her tongue in to taste Sir’s cream.
“That’s my darling Rose,” said Charles as he caressed her back. “Now, let’s loosen both your bindings so Rose and I can take turns licking Daisy’s cunny.”
Daisy smiled. She was a new housemaid in his lordship’s household. So far this was the best service position she had ever held.
Penelope rested her head against Alex’s shoulder. After a bath and the hot meal she was falling asleep. The fire had dried her hair to a riot of soft, coppery curls. Alex pulled on a single curl, watching it bounce as he let go. He could not wait to see cute silk bows tied into her hair. She would look like the most adorable little sprite. She would probably want to grow her hair out, but he was going to make sure she kept it short and pixie-like.