Sweet Savagery: A Dark Mafia Romance (Ruthless Obsession Book 3) Read online
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“Hold on, baby.”
What is that supposed to mean?
He viciously pulled on my hair till it wrenched my head all the way back. His balled fist pressed against the base of my skull. He pushed down, forcing me to flatten my chest against the mattress. He then violently thrust his fingers into me at a frenetic pace. The friction heated me from the inside out.
I cried out in erotic shock. “Oh, my—”
He leaned over and bit me on the shoulder before barking, “What did I say?”
It wasn’t a bite so much as a nip, like an animal would do to its mate.
I could feel another orgasm building. My toes curled as my eyes rolled back. “Ivan!” I screamed as it rushed over me in dark waves. I collapsed onto the bed as tremors racked my body. He released his grip on my hair as he dragged his fingers free from my now open and stretched pussy.
I watched through glazed eyes as he brought two fingers to his lips. Holding my gaze, he licked between the fingers before sucking them both into his mouth as if he were savoring the taste of my arousal. “So sweet.”
Oh. My. Fucking. God.
He climbed off the bed and crossed the room. I stared at him through my tangled curtain of hair as he calmly rolled his sleeves back down and replaced his cufflinks. It hit me that while I was a half-dressed tangled hot mess, he looked as if nothing had happened. There wasn’t a wrinkle on him. He casually shrugged into his suit jacket. He then crossed back to the bed as he buttoned it. I hadn’t moved, afraid to do so without permission.
He smiled and smacked my ass. “As much as I’d love to spend the day in bed with you, malen’kaya kukla, it will have to wait till I attend to some business.”
It took me a moment to realize he was letting me get up and leave.
I rose but stayed on the bed. “You mean you’re not going to—”
His eyebrow arched. “Disappointed?”
I blinked. Yes. “No, of course not,” I huffed as I scrambled off the bed. I smoothed my skirt down as I pushed my feet into my ballet flats. I re-hooked my bra then gathered the sides of my blouse in my fist, closing it as best I could.
Ignoring the scattered pearls and buttons, I reached for my torn lace panties, which hung off the side of the bed. The moment I picked them up, he snatched them from my grasp. Ivan smirked as he tucked my panties into his inside suit jacket pocket. He winked. “Souvenir.”
I blushed scarlet as I dropped my chin, trying to hide behind my hopelessly messed hair.
He placed a knuckle under my chin and forced my gaze up. His eyes were impossibly blue as he stared down at me. “I promise, malen’kaya kukla, we will fuck, but I needed to train your tight pussy to open for me. I don’t want to break my pretty doll the first time I play with her.”
I threw my shoulders back as my eyes narrowed. “That’s going to be hard since I have no intention of ever seeing you again.”
His hand shifted to wrap around my neck. I held my breath.
Had I crossed the line? Was he going to kill me now? Why had I said something so stupid? I should have kept my mouth shut and run out the door while I had the chance.
He leaned down and kissed me hard on the lips. “Good thing it’s my intentions that matter, not yours.”
I swallowed and nodded, afraid to speak.
“Good girl. Now, let’s go get my money.”
Chapter 7
Looking at Dylan’s torn blouse and wrinkled skirt, I knew I should feel guilty, but I didn’t. Instead of wrinkles and missing buttons, I saw my mark. It was there on her beautiful swollen lips and the high blush on her cheeks. She was definitely going to make my trip to America enjoyable. Who knew? Perhaps I would bring her with me when I returned to Russia.
She raced down the stairs and turned down the hallway, which led to the kitchen.
I called after her, “Where do you think you are going?”
She kept her back to me. “I have to clean up before I leave.”
I crossed the hallway and wrapped my hand around her upper arm, forcing her to turn and face me. “Clean up what? You look beautiful.”
I wasn’t lying. There was a raw beauty in a woman who still had the warm glow from my hand on her ass and the resulting satisfied, dazed look in her eyes. I planned to keep this one looking rumpled and thoroughly fucked for the remainder of my trip.
She gestured toward the kitchen. “Not me! All the dirty champagne glasses and food trays. I can’t leave the kitchen a mess.”
My brow furrowed. “No, absolutely not.” I guided her toward the front door.
She pulled at my grasp as she dragged her feet. “I’m not trying to scam you out of your precious money. I’ll take you to it. I just need a few minutes to clean up first.”
How many times did I have to tell this woman I didn’t give a damn about the fucking money? The only reason why I was even retrieving it from her was it was too dangerous for her to have that kind of cash lying around her home. If I didn’t miss my guess, Harry probably had a plan in place for someone to collect it. It would be best if she wasn’t there when that happened.
“Pizdets,” I cursed under my breath. I pointed a finger at her. “Listen very carefully, malen’kaya kukla. No woman of mine cleans the dirty glasses of strangers.”
Her lips tightened into a thin line as she crossed her arms over her chest. “It’s part of my job and I’m not your woman.”
She really was adorable when she got angry. Gold sparks lit up her chocolate brown eyes as she furrowed her cute little brow.
I reached for my belt buckle. “Get on your knees. Apparently, you need further proof you’re mine now.”
Her wide-eyed gaze lowered to my crotch before she backed up a step. “Please, if I don’t do this, my boss will fire me.”
I would not bend on this. I wasn’t sure what kind of men they had here in America, but in Russia, a man took care of his woman, even if she was his only for a short while. As long as she was in my bed, she would not be doing menial work. “What does it matter? You are not returning to this job anyway.”
She put her hands on her hips. “And how am I supposed to pay my rent and bills if I get fired?”
I shrugged. “I will pay them.”
“The fuck you will! I take care of myself. I don’t need any handouts from you.”
I grabbed her around the waist and lifted her off the floor. Her hands grasped my biceps as she cried out in alarm. I walked several steps, set her down and then pressed her against the wall. I leaned in, placing my left arm high over her head, caging her in.
I picked up a single curl that rested over her shoulder and ran the soft strands over my palm. I waited several heartbeats to speak, weighing my words carefully. “I’ve already warned you how I feel about having to tell you something twice.” I closed my fingers over the curl and gave it a sharp tug. Her beautiful mouth opened on a gasp. “Perhaps I haven’t made myself clear? For as long as I’m in America, and longer if I wish it, you are mine, and I take care of what is mine.”
Those big, beautiful eyes of hers filled with tears. “I don’t understand. Why are you doing this? I told you I’d give you the money.”
I wrapped my hand around the back of her neck and threaded my fingers in her hair. I leaned down, my lips caressing hers as I spoke. “And I’ve told you this isn’t about the money.”
Before I could claim her mouth, she turned her head to the side. “Now who’s the liar?”
Damn, I loved a woman with fight. I had never come across a female willing to court danger by talking back to me before. Let alone daring to call me a liar. It was entertaining as hell… to a point.
I sucked her earlobe between my teeth and bit down. When she tried to pull away, I ground my hips against her stomach, anchoring her in my embrace. My cock hardened as I pressed into her sweet body. “If you wanted me to flip up your skirt and fuck you raw against this wall, you only had to ask, baby girl.”
“What? No! That’s not what I mean
t at all!”
I stepped away from the wall and crossed my arms over my chest. “Then I suggest you behave. Now get your purse, we’re leaving.”
She swiped a tear from her cheek and after casting another look down the hallway to the kitchen, she moved over to the hallway table to collect her purse. I snatched up her cell phone before she could grab it. At her questioning look, I raised an eyebrow but said nothing. Her shoulders slumped. Once more, she glanced down the hallway.
I breathed heavily through my nose, already questioning what I was about to do. “Pizdets.” I took out my cell phone and dialed. The moment Maxim answered, I rattled off my orders. I spoke in English so Dylan would know what I said so I wouldn’t have to explain or repeat myself. “Send a clean-up crew to that address I sent you earlier.”
I had brought my right-hand man, Maxim, with me from Moscow in case I needed his services while here. Cleaning up after a fucking real estate open house wasn’t what I’d had in mind.
Without hesitating, he asked, “How many bodies?”
“No bodies, just some cookies and champagne glasses.”
There was a long pause, then Maxim asked, “Cookies? Is that supposed to be a code for something?”
I gripped the phone harder as I ignored Dylan’s wide-eyed stare the moment I’d uttered the word ‘bodies.’ “No, it’s not code for anything. It’s actually some fucking cookies. Just get it done. Then meet me at—” I nodded to Dylan and demanded her address. I relayed the information to Maxim and hung up on him, laughing.
Dylan lowered her head and muttered a soft, “Thank you.”
I wrapped my hand around her upper arm and dragged her toward the door. I shrugged into my overcoat and gestured toward her with my chin. “Put on your coat. We’re leaving.”
Dylan snatched at a curl and twirled it around her index finger. “I’m fine.”
My brow furrowed. “You’re not fine. It’s cold outside. Where is your coat?”
“I don’t need one. I don’t get cold.”
I gritted my teeth. “That wasn’t what I asked.”
She dropped her arms to her sides, fisting her hands. “I don’t have one, okay? It’s fine. The Metra is only a few blocks away and most of the time I can find a heated train car.”
I yanked off my coat and put it over her shoulders.
She tried to shrug it off.
“Don’t you dare,” I growled.
Pushing out her lower lip, she huffed, the puff of air blowing a curl away from her face. After a moment’s pause, she shoved her arms into the sleeves. The coat swallowed her slight frame and dragged on the floor, but at least she would be warm.
I closed the two sides and buttoned it.
She raised her arms and shook them till her hands appeared. “This is silly. How am I supposed to walk in this thing?”
Without saying a word, I swooped her up into my arms and headed toward the door.
“My purse!” she cried out.
I circled back and leaned down so she could snatch it off the table. I then pivoted back toward the door, leaning down a second time so she could turn the knob. I kicked the door open, letting it swing shut behind me. There was no point in locking it. I knew Maxim would have a crew here within minutes of us leaving.
I carried Dylan to my black Mercedes S-Class parked right out front. I hated rental cars, so I’d purchased one to have ready at the private hangar for when my plane arrived this morning. I set her on her feet and opened the passenger side door. “Get in.”
She opened her mouth to speak.
My lip curled as my eyes narrowed.
She closed her mouth and scurried into the car, only barely tucking the hem of my coat inside before I slammed the door shut.
After getting behind the wheel, I pulled away from the curb. “Where am I going?”
She gestured to the left. “Pull onto Lakeshore Drive.”
I nodded. Her perfume filled the enclosed space. The sweet and spicy scent mixed with the smell of the new leather seats. The combination was erotic, reminding me of her warm skin and the feel of my leather belt in my hand. I adjusted in my seat as my cock lengthened.
To distract myself from pulling the car over and fucking her in the back seat, I asked, “How are you related to Harold?”
She played with a button on my overcoat, refusing to meet my gaze. “He’s my uncle.”
Her uncle. If she were more than a pleasant diversion during my stay in America, that would complicate things. Fortunately, she was not.
“Do you take part in many of your uncle’s schemes?” I adjusted my clenched grip on the steering wheel, unwilling to admit I was interested in her response. Somehow, despite her only being a passing diversion, it bothered me to think she put herself in danger by partnering with her asshole, idiot uncle.
My question got a rise out of her. Her brown eyes flashed fire as she responded harshly, “No. I do not. He means nothing to me and as far as I’m concerned, he can go straight to hell for mixing me up in this mess.”
My lips lifted in a smile. “I believe I can arrange that.” Her brow furrowed as she gave me a questioning look, but I did not elaborate. It was good to know my putting a bullet in her uncle’s head wouldn’t cause any unpleasant complications between us. I wanted nothing getting in the way of her keeping my bed warm these next few weeks.
After following her directions, I pulled up before an ancient three-story brick building somewhere in the north side of Chicago. Unlike the other neatly landscaped properties on the tree-lined street, this one had overgrown grass and weeds with several brown, long-dead bushes flanking the entrance. There may be a chill in the air, but it was barely winter here. There was no excuse for there to be such a squalid appearance to the outside of the building. It did not bode well for the inside.
Dylan moved to open the door. I locked them. She glanced over her shoulder. “We’re here. Let me out.”
I raised my chin and nodded toward the building. “You are putting one over on me. You do not live here.”
“Yes, I do.”
“Impossible,” I scoffed.
“You are telling me that a beautiful and smart woman such as yourself lives in squalor such as this? I do not understand American men.”
She twisted to face me and held up her index finger. “First of all, I’ll thank you not to look down on my living arrangements. Unlike someone I know, I work for an honest living and can’t afford a million-dollar home.” She held up a second finger. “Second, I have no idea what my apartment has to do with American men.”
I wrapped a hand around her throat, pressing the edges of my fingers against her jaw. So far, other than kissing her, it was the only way I’d found to get her to stop talking. “If you want a million-dollar home, baby girl, I will buy you one. It would be nothing to me. And you are right, I’m glad you live in such a terrible building. It means a man is not taking care of you. It saves me the time from having to track him down and kill him.”
She blinked several times. “That’s not funny.”
I caressed her lips with the pad of my thumb. “I wasn’t joking.”
Releasing my grip on her throat, I unlocked the doors and got out. I opened her door and held out a hand to help her alight. She ignored it and tried to stand on her own. I placed my right hand on the top of the car door and blocked her escape. She stared at me for a moment, then sighed. Her small, soft hand slid into mine. I helped her out of the car.
“Good girl,” I murmured against her forehead before pulling two large empty duffel bags from the back seat. I then let her lead me into the building.
Knowing I had no intention of letting her stay in such a place helped quell my anger at the lack of secure locks on the outside door. The hallway was narrow and cramped. While some light streamed in from a frosted window over the entrance, there were no electric lights, which meant at night these hallways would be dark and dangerous. She stopped at a wooden door that was covered in chipped
forest green paint. As she placed her key in the doorknob, I noticed there was no deadbolt. I placed my right hand in my left palm and cracked my knuckles.
Dylan swung the door open and stepped inside. I had to lower my head to cross the threshold before closing the door. I noted the thin chain that served as her best form of security.
I looked around the tiny, yet neatly arranged room. “Where is the rest of it?”
Dylan crossed her arms over her chest. “What do you mean, the rest of it? This is it.”
I shook my head. “This can’t be it. Apartments during the worst times of communist Russia were more spacious and luxurious than this.”
Her cheeks flamed a bright pink. She shrugged out of my overcoat and threw it at me. “I think you need to take your money and get the fuck out.”
I tossed the coat and the duffel bags on a wooden spindle chair, the only piece of furniture in the room, and stalked toward her. In two steps, I had crossed the small space and pinned her against the wall. I snatched a piece of her hair, running the long silky length over my palm. “I am being an ungracious guest. I apologize, malen’kaya kukla. You have a beautiful home.”
She bit her lip and looked away.
I released her hair and placed a finger under her chin, forcing her gaze back. “I really am sorry. I promise I will make it up to you this evening.”
She crossed her arms over her chest, brushing against my stomach as she did so. “Apology accepted and I have plans this evening.”
“Break them.”
“I can’t. Besides, I’m giving you your money. We’re square now.”
My eyes narrowed. “What does that mean? Square now?”
“It means we’re even, that we don’t have any other obligations to one another.” She let out a flustered sigh. “It means that we’re done.”
A flash of anger pierced my chest. I gripped her lower arms and forced them apart and then above her head. As she opened her mouth to scream, I claimed it. Pushing my tongue deep inside, a prelude to what I planned to do with my cock later, I tasted her fear and outrage.