Disciplining the Maid Read online
Page 6
Mrs. Oliver discreetly brought Lily's other uniform to the study door some time later. Lily complained to Papa that Mrs. Oliver would be upset that she needed a fresh uniform, but he said it was not Mrs. Oliver's place to ask questions.
The next few days passed in a whirl. Every evening Papa visited Lily’s bedroom to stretch her bottom with an ever-larger plug. Every morning, she was forced to endure the humiliation of his removing it and closely inspecting her progress. If she didn't cry, he rewarded her by licking her pussy till she felt warm and flushed. Then, Sunday dawned - the day that would change everything.
Bath Time
After an uncomfortable breakfast, Lily was anxiously waiting for Papa to ring for his tray. She had been scolded by Mrs. Oliver several times during the meal for fidgeting. Lily did not dare explain the reason – that on the previous night Papa had placed the largest plug to date in her bottom. It was four inches long and an inch in diameter, and she cried during the insertion and begged Papa to not leave it in the whole night. His response had been to kiss her forehead and tell her that tomorrow was going to be extra special so she had to have the larger plug.
When Mrs. Oliver rose from the table and demanded Lily follow her into the bathing room, Lily was mortified. She had forgotten it was Sunday! She was required to bathe and - more embarrassingly - to receive an enema at the hands of Mrs. Oliver.
"I shall take a bath later, Mrs. Oliver, if it is acceptable to you."
"You will take your bath now, missy! Where do you think you are? Buckingham Palace? Do you think you are some princess to order when you want your bath?" Mrs. Oliver pinched Lily's upper ear as she half dragged her into the bathing room.
"Remove your clothes and be quick about it, Your Highness.” Mrs. Oliver sneered sarcastically as she directed a new maid who had just started in the household to begin filling the enema bag. The new maid shot Lily a sympathetic glance as she hurried to do the housekeeper’s bidding. She was taller and stocky - straight from the country - and much more suited to the heavy lifting and labor required of a maid than Lily had been.
"Could I use the water closet?" Lily asked, desperately needing to remove the plug before Mrs. Oliver could see it. She was sure it would anger Papa, but right at this moment she was more concerned about Mrs. Oliver.
In response, Mrs. Oliver snatched a tawse from a cabinet shelf and began to swat at Lily's bum as she chased the poor girl about the room. Despite the protection from her skirt and petticoats, Lily felt every stinging swat.
"Get that dress off and get up on that table without another word!” Mrs. Oliver's shout sent the other maid scurrying, but not before she hung the large enema bag filled with warm soapy water in preparation for Lily's cleansing. Lily tearfully worked the buttons down the front of her gown. She shut her eyes in shame the moment her petticoats joined it on the floor, waiting for Mrs. Oliver's scandalous gasp when she realized Lily had no underthings on. None came. In confusion, Lily gingerly climbed on top of the table, taking her position on her knees. She had desperately hoped that Mrs. Oliver would have been so upset at her lack of proper clothing she would have left the bathing room in disgust. She was not so lucky.
"Spread your cheeks. I am not here to do all the work for you,” Mrs. Oliver instructed.
"Perhaps I could try to do this myself to save you the trouble," Lily asked as one final attempt to avoid the humiliation of revealing the plug tucked up deep inside her bum.
"Nonsense. Spread your cheeks,” Mrs. Oliver replied impatiently. Seeing no other option, Lily reached back and gently pulled her buttocks wide open as she had been taught to do by Papa these last few evenings. She braced herself for Mrs. Oliver's reaction.
"Well done girl. I see your training with his Lordship has progressed nicely,” Mrs. Oliver stated as she grasped the plug firmly and gave a sharp tug. Lily cried out at the sudden pain. She was used to Papa's gentle coaxing. It took a moment to get over the pain and register Mrs. Oliver's comments.
"You know?" Shame and humiliation flamed Lily's cheeks.
"Of course I know child!" Mrs. Oliver scoffed. “Do you suppose there is anything that goes on in this household that I am not privy too?" Unlike the first time, the enema nozzle slipped more easily into her bottom as Mrs. Oliver continued to bluster. "You are a very lucky little girl,” she said as she connected the tube and started the flow of warm soapy water with a click. Lily clenched as the water entered her bowels, squeezing her eyes shut as the pressure built, barely listening to Mrs. Oliver.
"I knew his Lordship had those particular tastes, but up till now it was just a dalliance. I have certainly never seen him go to the trouble of outfitting a nursery! I say! You are a lucky, lucky girl!"
Lily's insides began to gurgle and cramp. She focused on breathing through the pain, but still Mrs. Oliver continued. “To have such a powerful and handsome lord want to take care of you! I say! If only I were a few years younger….” Mrs. Oliver paused, smiling.
"Please, Mrs. Oliver take it out! It's too much." Lily begged as she felt her body strain to accept the soapy water.
"You will take the full two quarts, as per His Lordship's orders."
It felt like an eternity till the full two quarts found its way deep into her bowels. Lily was forced to remain on her knees with the irritating soapy water causing waves of cramps for another thirty minutes as Mrs. Oliver prepared a bath.
Just when Lily thought she could not take any more pain, Mrs. Oliver approached the table with a determined look in her eye. Without a word of warning, she reached under Lily and began to aggressively massage her distended stomach.
"Oh, God. Oh, God! Stop! Stop! It hurts!" Lily screeched as she desperately tried to get away from Mrs. Oliver's bruising hands.
"Stay still you silly girl!" Mrs. Oliver grabbed Lily by the base of the neck, the harsh grip effectively halting Lily's frightened movements. She once again massaged Lily's stomach. "We have to make sure we get all the nastiness out of you." Lily's clenched fists rubbed at her swollen eyes as she endured the sharp pains and discomfort every movement of Mrs. Oliver's hands brought. "All right, reach back and pull open those cheeks. Arch your back. Come girl! I should not have to tell you how this is done. His Lordship has been stretching your tight little bum for a week now. You know the position."
Fresh tears coursed down Lily's cheeks at the reminder that the housekeeper was fully aware of Papa's nightly visits to her bedroom. She did as she was told and endured the sharp pain as Mrs. Oliver pulled out the nozzle with very little thought to Lily's comfort.
"Off to the water closet with you,” the housekeeper brusquely ordered. “Then we will do a nice cold water rinse and then into tub with you."
By the time Lily sank into the warm, comforting water, she was emotionally and physically worn out. She barely protested when Mrs. Oliver scrubbed her soft flesh pink. As always she was very thorough, not missing the sensitive skin between Lily's legs or butt cheeks.
"Now sit in front of this nice cheery fire and let your hair dry.” Mrs. Oliver placed her on the rug in front of the small fireplace. "You will have light duties this morning and then you will take an afternoon nap after luncheon."
"A nap? I am not a child!" protested Lily.
"His Lordship insists you take a nap this afternoon so a nap this afternoon you will take!" Mrs. Oliver said indignantly, unable to fathom someone disobeying a direct order from Lord Stockton. She exited the room in a huff, leaving Lily to stare into the flames and ponder the odd turn her life had taken in the last week.
One floor above her, Rand sat in front of his study fire thinking of her. He felt his cock swell at just the thought of what he had planned for the evening. As a man in his thirties with a large sexual appetite, he had his fair share of mistresses in the past. All understood his need to dominate and control. All had felt the sting of his bare hand on their pretty backsides. All had been on their knees at some point sweetly begging their "Papa" for mercy or relea
se. But there was always something missing. To his past mistresses it was just a game to satisfy his sexual appetite. They were jaded, used woman who could have just as easily played the dominant role. They were whatever their current protector needed them to be, and the encounters had left him feeling strangely unsatisfied.
In recent years he’d taken to selecting his mistresses from the working class, as opposed to the painted performers who normally made the rounds of the ton. He’d hoped their more humble origins would result in a more satisfying sexual experience, but again there was something lacking.
And then he’d found Lily. Her sweet innocence, her need to please him, her natural submission – she had all the elements he required. But what he found most appealing was her innocence; the young maid was too naive to even realize she was a natural submissive. This was not a game to her, or to him. This was forever. In Lily he had finally found his perfect submissive - someone who would relinquish all control to him - every moment of her day - and be his. She would be his perfect little one. He would be her entire world, and he would cherish her.
It had taken all his willpower to hold himself in check this week, to slowly introduce her to the pleasure and pain he would expect from her. It was a rare, precious gift to find someone her age who had not been deflowered by some randy lord or footman in her early teens. He wanted to savor the moment. He knew it would be all the sweeter once she was truly, unequivocally his.
Tonight he would test her submissiveness by taking her anal virginity. Lord Stockton shifted in his seat, making more room for his growing cock in his trousers. The thought of finally pushing his cock into her small, still tight back passage had his manhood swelling to painful proportions. After he claimed her anal virginity, she would have a choice. She could choose to stay in her current position - in which case he would still take her anally but no further - or she could choose to become his little one. He smiled at the thought. If she chose to become his little one, all bets were off. Every part of her small, beautiful body - every orifice - would be his.
In Papa's Bed
Lily awoke from her nap feeling refreshed. The first thing she noticed was a white box with a large pink bow on her bureau and instantly knew it was from Papa. The thought that he had been in her room, watching as she slept, sent a small thrill through her.
She quickly pulled at the loose ends of the bow and lifted the lid. Inside the box was a beautiful pink and cream lace silk dress. Lily tentatively reached out to stroke the soft fabric with just the tip of one finger; almost afraid to touch it further having never owned anything new. Her entire life had been a succession of secondhand rags and previously worn uniforms.
Carefully lifting the dress from the box, she held it up to her body and cried out in dismay. It was too small, the folds ended mid-thigh. Lily was heartbroken. She dreaded telling Papa his thoughtful gift could not be worn. With a heavy heart, she opened her drawer to retrieve her worn uniform, dreading its black scratchy fabric even more than before but it was not in the first drawer she checked or the next. In fact all her meager clothes were gone! All she had was the threadbare nightgown on her back, the fabric so worn it was practically translucent. She could not possibly leave her room in it. Lily began to fret. Mrs. Oliver had made it very clear that after her nap she was to go straight to his Lordship. She looked back at the pretty pink dress. Perhaps she could put the dress on and then wrap her bed linen around her legs and then seek out Mrs. Oliver to find what had become of her meager wardrobe.
She searched the box to find no corset, but a set of delicate drawers layered in lace. They fit perfectly. A pair of white knee socks and soft, black kid leather slippers were next, again all a perfect fit. She pulled the pink dress over her head. With the exception of the scandalously short length, Lily was surprised to see it fit perfectly as well. The style was childish but flattering. The puffy sleeves ended just above her elbows and were trimmed in lace. Around the waist wrapped a large cream ribbon that she tied into a big bow in back. It was perhaps a bit lopsided but it would not matter since she would only be in the dress till she found Mrs. Oliver.
Lily arranged her hair in the customary tight chignon expected of those in service. She did not have the luxury of a mirror in her room so she could only guess at her appearance. She then removed the bed linens and wrapped them around her waist before leaving the room in search of Mrs. Oliver. She did not have to go far as the housekeeper was hurrying down the servant's hall directly towards her room.
"Lord, child how you dawdle!” she admonished. “His Lordship has been asking for you! What are you doing with that silly bed linen! Remove it immediately! You are crushing your new dress, and after his Lordship went to such expense. My word!" Mrs. Oliver grabbed the bed linen from Lily's tight grasp.
She then turned Lily around and quickly fixed the bow in back. Mrs. Oliver gave out a displeased sigh. "Well, it will just have to do till his Lordship gets you a nanny to dress you properly. Come along." Before Lily even had a chance to question the curious statement about the nanny, she found herself hauled to the threshold to Papa's rooms. Mrs. Oliver knocked loudly and entered after his Lordship’s curt response. She opened the door and gave Lily a push, then with a respectful nod to Lord Stockton slammed the door shut, leaving Lily alone with him.
"Come here, little one."
The dark timbre of his voice sent shivers through her body. Lily did not want to move from the doorway. She self-consciously pulled on the hem of her short dress, desperately trying to get it to reach past her knees, afraid of what he would say about the short length.
"Does my little one want a spanking?"
"No, Papa," she answered, still not moving.
"If I have to come and get you, I will put you over my knee and blister your naughty bottom."
Lily practically ran to his side. He was lounging in a plush chair in front of the fire, enjoying a glass of brandy. For several moments he did not say anything, but just looked her up and down. Despite the dress' childish style, the bodice enhanced her full breasts. He especially admired how the short length swished around her slim thighs. Peeking from below the hem were lacy drawers so fine they were practically transparent. She looked like a living doll. He continued to stare, his piercing blue eyes not missing a detail.
The silence stretched, and with it Lily’s worry that he was displeased by her appearance. Fearing the worst, she began to cry.
"I'm so sorry, Papa. I'm so sorry the dress doesn't fit. I never had anything so lovely. I promise I will always cherish it. I will never....” But Papa rose and stopped her babbling with a finger to her lips.
"The dress is perfect."
"But...but...it does not fit...it is too....too short...and....childish!" Lily complained.
"It is a perfect little girl's dress for my perfect little girl. Twirl around so Papa can see the pretty ruffles on your bum."
Lily felt beautiful as she twirled around for Papa. She could see in his eyes how much he appreciated how she looked. She lived to please him. As she was facing away, he reached up and took out the pins securing her chignon.
"Little girls wear their hair down and loose. I don't ever want to see your hair up again."
He watched as her beautiful light brown hair came cascading down her back in soft waves. Grasping a fistful, Rand forced her head back and placed a kiss on the side of her neck as his other hand reached around her waist. He slowly moved his hand up her body to palm her breast, giving the full flesh a harsh squeeze that elicited an aroused gasp from Lily's lips.
"Say ‘yes, Papa,’ when I give you a command."
"Yes, Papa," she breathlessly obeyed. Lily's breathing was harsh as she tried to come to terms with the conflicting emotions of excitement and fear. "But, Mrs. Oliver will scold me if I don't have my hair up and in..."
"After tonight, Mrs. Oliver will no longer be a concern."
Lily frowned. Was she getting sacked? Did she not please him? Lily spun in his grasp
to face him, wincing as his grip was still strong on her hair.
"Please don't send me away Papa! I promise to be a good girl! I will do anything you ask," she pleaded as she fell to her knees in front of him. While Lily did not understand why he wanted to treat her like a little girl, she did understand that she loved how he made her feel cherished and beautiful. Even when he disciplined her, she knew it was for her own good and that he did so because he cared.
Rand marveled at the innocent emotional display. There was no artifice. My god she was darling! Placing two fingers under her chin, he forced her sweet tear-streaked face up to meet his gaze as he ran his knuckles down her cheek to brush away the tears. Rand brushed the pad of his thumb along her full lower lip then slowly pushed the tip past her small pink lips. Lily's tongue automatically swirled around his thumb as he thrust it in further. He grabbed the back of her head to keep her still as he thrust his thumb in and out of her young mouth. The whole time she stared at him with confused but trusting eyes. His cock swelled at the vision. Soon, it would be his long, hard member he pushed past those pretty little lips.
"My beautiful baby girl. I am not sending you away. Quite the opposite."
He moved to once again sit on the plush chair, gesturing for her to join him on his lap. She quickly rose and seated herself across his strong thighs. Lily could feel his hard cock press against her bottom. She looked down at her lap and fiddled with one of the many tiny bows on the dress.
"Look at me."
She worried her lower lip as she met his gaze.
"Why has Papa been stretching your tiny bottom?"
"Because you want to put your...your big cock up there and I'm too tiny."
"Very good."
Lily beamed at his praise.
"I only wanted to stretch your bottom a little bit. Just enough so your cute little puckered hole doesn't tear when I push my cock in. You are still very tiny down there. It will take quite a bit of effort on your part to get Papa's whole cock into your small body. You are going to have to bear down like I taught you and take it like a good girl."