Penelope's Punishment Page 8
“This is traditionally called a ‘whipping horse’ but in this household your Papa prefers the ‘punishment bench’,” said Nanny in her no-nonsense manner, as if she had not just uttered something terrifying.
Penelope had a hard time taking it all in. He had said she would be punished for putting herself in danger, but she assumed he would pull her over his lap for another spanking. This was more alarming.
She started to pull back on her arm but was no match for Nanny’s superior strength. Against her will she was dragged over to the terrifying bench. It was made of scarred polished oak with a tapestry cushion on top and was just high enough for Penelope to be bent at the waist over it. Nanny secured her wrists with thick leather cuffs. Penelope could feel Nanny’s strong grasp wrap around her ankle, pulling the leg wide as she secured it with another leather cuff. Penelope started to panic and tried to kick out, but with her arms and one leg shackled, it was useless. Nanny grabbed her other flailing ankle and stretching Penelope’s legs wide, secured it.
“Please…please…Nan…Nanny,” whispered Penelope, still not used to having to call a woman her nanny. “Please don’t leave me like this.”
“Don’t be silly child,” scoffed Nanny. “You were naughty and you need to be punished. That is the only way little girls learn. No fussing or whining,” she scolded. “Wait for your Papa quietly.” Nanny left and took the candle with her.
Penelope was left in the room lit only by the glow of the nearby fire, feeling trapped and vulnerable. She could feel the heat of the fire warming her naked backside. She tested the wrist restraints, but was truly and helplessly locked in.
The worst part was the forced stillness that gave her time to think.
What had she done? Her mind spun when she tried to take in all the twists and turns her life had made in the last few weeks. She wanted to think she’d been doing just fine on her own on the streets, but she knew that was a lie She had not been doing fine. She had been barely surviving. And now this enigma of a man has swooped in and taken over. Having no real experience with men, she could not explain why he frightened and fascinated her all at once. He offered safety and security but at a very high price - her independence. Could she really just hand herself over to him like that? Allow him to control every aspect of her life? To treat her like a child? He said she had no choice, but she could always run again, although a part of her knew instinctively he would find her. If she were deeply honest with herself, it was almost a relief, to not have to scratch and claw for every crust of bread, to not have to always be alert to danger, to not have to keep up the exhausting disguise. But even with all that, could she do it? Could she submit?
Her thoughts were interrupted when he walked in.
Penelope gasped. Gone was the gentleman who cradled her when she was hurt, in his place was every inch the strict disciplinarian. He exuded power and confidence. Changed mostly out of his day attire, he wore only his black trousers. With wide eyes, she stared at the impressive expanse of chiseled muscle peppered with black hair. Pulling her gaze away from his flat stomach, she focused on the object dangling from his strong grip. It was a thick, leather strap.
“Bloody hell,” she cursed, desperately pulling at her tight restraints.
With a swift grace she thought only animals possessed, he was standing in front of her. Bent at the waist, with her head straight forward, she had a close view of his thick arousal straining against the fabric of his trousers. She gulped back the curse she knew would anger him further and refused to look up.
“Penelope, look at me,” he commanded, his voice deep and rough.
Craning her neck back, she lifted her gaze. Penelope could see desire mixed with fierce determination in his dark, hooded eyes. Knowing it was foolish, but unable to stop herself, she went on the offensive.
“You ain’t prigging me with that lobcock!” she said in a snarky tone, hoping calling his obviously large cock a limp penis would throw him off.
“One punishment at a time, little one,” he said, gripping the folded leather strap harder. “I will correct that impertinent mouth of yours later.” Alex leaned down on his haunches so he was eye level with her. “Right now, we need to correct your dangerous decision to run from me.” Penelope wisely kept quiet, struck numb from his intense words and stare.
Alex rose and stepped behind her. A shiver of awareness coursed through Penelope, knowing that behind her, he was staring at her bare bottom. After several tense moments, she jumped when cool, smooth leather softly touched the heated skin between her shoulder blades. He traced the length of her back with the strap, running it over the curve of one globe. Penelope felt of rush of moisture between her thighs. She was lightheaded with fear, and something else she feared to name.
“My lord…”
“Tsk…tsk…tsk, naughty girl,” crooned Alex, lightly tapping her bottom with the strap on each word. “That is not what you’re supposed to call me.”
Penelope wet her lips and tried again, “Papa…I’ve…I’ve changed my mind. I don’t want to do this.”
Alex leaned close to her ear and whispered, “You have no choice.”
She shrieked and pulled wildly at her wrist binds. “Let me go, you bugger…you…you…wanker!”
Alex placed a restraining hand on her lower back. “Cease!” he ordered. Penelope instantly stilled.
“It is this wild, rash behavior we need to correct. You act with no thought to your safety. You open your mouth with no care to the consequences. You need this punishment more than you know.”
Penelope shook her head as tears coursed down her cheek, still denying what she knew deep down to be true.
“Ask for your punishment, Penelope.”
She shook her head, stubbornly pressing her lips into a tight line.
“Ask for your punishment or face a much harsher one,” he said with more menace.
Still she remained mute. She would be damned if she asked him to punish her!
“Very well,” said a resigned Alex. “Your punishment was to be ten straps to your bare bottom. You will now receive those in addition to a more exacting punishment.”
Penelope opened her mouth to release another stream of colorful, guttural language. Alex closed his open hand over her mouth and once again leaned in close to her ear.
“You have already opened yourself up to a more painful discipline than I had intended this eve. I suggest you hold your tongue before you truly anger me and make your situation even worse.” Her eyes widened in horror but she remained silent.
“Let us begin.”
Alex slowly wrapped one end of the well-oiled strap around his right hand, leaving two feet excess. Anchoring one foot behind him, he leaned over and placed his left hand on her lower back. Arching his arm, the strap swung through the air with a hiss before landing with a loud crack in the center of her pale, vulnerable buttocks.
Penelope’s surprised shriek was cut short as she ruthlessly clenched her jaw, determined to show no reaction or pain. Alex smiled…that would change.
He aimed the second swat lower, over her sit spot. She was so tiny that the three inch wide strap easily covered large areas of her delicate skin with every contact. By the third smack, Penelope could no longer contain her pain.
She howled in agony as the fourth hit her sit spot again. Her bottom, already warmed by the heat from the flames, now felt as if it were truly on fire. The pricking, stinging sensation was almost too much to bear. She went up on her toes and braced for another hit. She did not have to wait long.
Alex continued the assault on her unprotected bottom till it glowed a harsh angry red. By the time it was over, Penelope was choking on her own sobs.
“What am I looking at Kitten?” he demanded as he caressed her heated bottom.
Penelope did not even think to ignore his question. “My…my punished bottom.”
“And why was this cute bottom punished?” he persisted.
“Because I ran away,” she sobbed.
p; “Not just because you ran away,” Alex corrected. “You put yourself in grave danger.”
Penelope started to cry harder as the pain from the strapping settled in.
“Let yourself have a good cry, little one. I shall prepare the next punishment.”
Penelope’s eyes were practically swollen shut. Curls of hair stuck to her wet cheeks. Her fingers ached from clenching them into fists as she fought the pain. She was barely aware when Alex returned with a large, wooden box. He pulled up a small ottoman and sat directly behind her. If she wasn’t lost in such painful misery, Penelope would have been humiliated at his close position to her bottom.
Alex could see the moisture glistening off her smooth cunny. Running his middle finger down the seam and pressing gently, he was beyond pleased her body had responded with a mixture of pain and pleasure to his punishment.
The movement sent shock waves through Penelope. The pain had heightened her awareness of her own skin. His single finger had caused a jagged rush of conflicting sensations.
Alex sighed in disappointment. “It is shame this is a punishment, Kitten. I would have loved to lick your cream,” he said with a wickedly seductive purr.
His words were lost on Penelope. She was too lost in her own misery as a fierce throbbing had settled over her bottom and thighs. So it was with shock when she called out as his thumbs pushed between her tender cheeks and pried them open.
“Oh god! Stop! Stop!” she cried.
“Silence,” he ordered with a quick smack to her already stinging bottom. “You were warned. You chose to have this additional punishment.”
He inspected her little rosebud which was clenched tight with fear. He marveled at how very tiny she was, remembering how forcefully her cunny clutched his finger and knowing her back passage would be even tighter. It would take a great deal of anal training before she would be able to accept his cock there. It was fortunate then that she chose to rebel. It allowed him the opportunity to start her training early.
He pushed open the lid of the wooden box next to him. It was filled with a selection of various rectal plugs and dildos as well as an assortment of ointments - some pleasurable, some punitive. He selected a narrow glass tube notched with inch marks. It was about twelve inches long, smooth and round and only slightly wider than the thermometer he had used on her the night they met. He dipped just the tip into a jar of ointment.
Penelope could hear the rustle and clink of objects being jostled around but had no way of knowing what was about to occur.
“Now, take a deep breath. I need to measure your capacity before we begin your punishment,” he said, easily holding her cheeks open with one hand. This was not just for her punishment. He wanted to make sure she could safely take all nine inches of his cock up her bottom when the time came.
He pressed the tip of the tube against the center of her tiny back passage. It met with very little resistance despite her best efforts to constrict her muscles. With steady pressure, the tube slipped inside her bottom several inches. Penelope sucked in a breath and tensed but at least for the moment, kept dutifully quiet. Alex gave the probe a small twist before he pushed it in deeper than the thermometer had been. She started to whimper and squirm.
“Steady, Kitten,” he said as he nudged the probe past five inches.
“Ow, ow, ow!” she cried as she strained to get away from the foreign object by shifting on to her toes and shimmying her bottom. “Take it out, please!” It was causing a sharp, uncomfortable pain.
“As adorable as your little bottom looks wiggling around like that I need you to keep still. Don’t make me spank you again.”
Penelope instantly stilled.
“Good girl. You’re learning.”
He had to press harder to get past the five inches as her body started to fight him. Alex twisted his wrist and thrust the tube forward another three inches. Penelope yelped and started to cry as her stomach cramped painfully.
“You’ve killed me!” she sobbed.
“You are far too precious to me, Kitten,” he soothed. “It is merely your bottom fighting my dominance but it and you will soon learn to submit. Now, just one more inch.”
He gave the probe a final push, both proud and satisfied when her bottom took the full nine inches. Penelope quietly sobbed, feeling both pain and humiliation as her insides cramped around the long, intrusive probe. She was greatly relieved when he pulled the offending object free.
“Now, I’m ready to begin your punishment,” he said, selecting a slender dildo from the wooden box.
“No, no, please, that was enough!”
“Only I decide when you have had enough,” he said as he patted her sore bottom as if she were truly a kitten. He knew this first punishment was crucial. Only a show of strength and domination would convince her he was just the man to take on her wild ways and win. Whether she thought she needed a strong man in her life was irreverent.
Applying a more liberal amount of ointment on an inch wide, wooden dildo, he once again parted her cheeks at the top with his large left hand as he pressed the tip against her forbidden hole with his right. If this were a submission training session, he would ease the way with a lubricated finger. As this was a punishment, she would get no such consideration.
Penelope knew something was wrong the moment the object pressed against her hidden entrance. She stretched her neck around, desperate to see what he was forcing on her body, but the leather restraints would not allow it.
Alex swirled the tip over her puckered hole, coating it with a sheen of ointment, watching as it trembled and clamped. He slowly twisted the dildo as he pushed it into her body. The tight ring of muscle resisted at first but weakened under pressure.
“It is too big! My body is tearing!” she cried.
“Hush, you will be taking a far larger plug up your bottom before this punishment is through,” he chastised before twisting and pushing the dildo into her bottom further.
Penelope could feel her back passage spasm around the object he was forcing deep into her body, with each inch there was another sharp pain as she struggled to adjust.
Alex gave another push, watching as her bottom hole opened to reluctantly accept more of the wooden dildo, his cock hardening at the site. “Stop fighting it. This is going up your bottom whether you like it or not.”
“But it hurts,” sniffed Penelope as she shifted her hips.
“Perhaps you will think of that the next time you want to be foolishly stubborn,” responded Alex. Her bottom had taken seven inches of the dildo. Grasping the end, he gave it a full twist inside her body. Penelope yelped and moved up onto her toes in a fruitless effort to avoid the pain.
“What is my name, Penelope?”
“What?” she asked, focusing more on the soreness of her bottom inside and out than his words.
“My. Name,” he growled as he twisted the dildo in another inch, slowly screwing it into her tight passage.
“Papa,” she shouted. “You’re Papa.”
“Good girl. Now ask Papa nicely to remove the dildo from your bottom.”
“Please take it out,” she moaned.
“Ah, ah, ahhh…that is not what you were told to ask.”
“Please…Papa…please take the…the dildo…out of my…my bottom,” stuttered Penelope.
“Good girl.” Alex carefully removed the dildo. Just for good measure, he lightly blew on her now opened hole.
Penelope’s cheeks flushed with shame. She could feel his breath inside of her! Desperately, she scrunched her back muscles, but to no avail. She felt open, exposed.
“Do you need another spanking to be reminded to behave?”
“No, Papa,” she sniffed.
“Good girl. You are almost done. I am going to give you something to remind you of this first punishment. I want you to think about what your rash actions have cost you long after your cute cheeks stop stinging. I am going to put a nice big plug up your bottom.”
Before he could get any further, Pe
nelope protested, “No. No. Please, I don’t want anything else in my bottom!”
“You don’t have a choice, little one. You need this punishment, more than you know.”
Alex selected a clear glass plug. He opened a jar of menthol infused ointment. It would provide a harmless burning sensation that would enhance the punishment. Preparing the plug with a liberal coating of ointment, he placed a restraining hand on Penelope’s lower back.
“Arch your back like a good little kitten and push out that sassy bottom of yours,” instructed Alex as he applied pressure to her back. Penelope whimpered but obeyed.
“Papa, is going to put a plug deep inside of you. It is going to stay there all night to remind you to be good from now on.”
“Does it have to be all night?” asked a sobbing Penelope.
“Yes, little one,” replied Alex as he placed the tapered tip of the plug just inside her already opened bottom hole.
At first it felt like the dildo he had just used on her but it quickly became much wider. Penelope squirmed as the plug began to stretch her entrance beyond what she had previously endured. Pausing, Alex swirled the plug in a slow, circular motion. The skin around her bottom hole turned pink as it overextended to accommodate the larger plug.
“It hurts! It’s too much,” cried Penelope. It felt like he was forcing a ball into her body.
Ignoring her pleas, Alex continued to force the plug up her reluctant back passage, knowing as soon it reached the extremely sensitive inner flesh, she would start to feel the burn of the menthol. Already past the tapered tip, the wide bulbous portion, which was at least an inch and half round, now pressed against her rosebud. Alex pressed hard on her lower back, forcing her bottom up further and opening her up. At that same moment, he thrust the plug in deep.
Penelope screamed in agony. The sharp, intense pain would have brought her to her knees had she not been restrained. She could not stop her muscles from tensing around the object, which only made it worse. It was then she felt a warm, burning sensation deep within her passage. The more she clenched from the torment the worse it burned. Too frightened and in too much pain to even make a sound, she opened her mouth in a silent scream.